Long Knife: The Tower
For many, the knee-jerk description for a band like Long Knife would be to dub them a "Poison Idea Jr." of sorts. But a song like "The Tower" on this new EP demonstrates that this band clearly has so much more to their sound. As a collection of tracks, Sewers of Babylon has quite a few slower numbers, but you get the most bang for your buck on this track. Opening with some surfy sounding guitar, the creepy monotone verses make you feel almost at ease, only to make the punchy drums, snarling vocals, and ripping guitar leads more impactful later on. If all of that seemed unexpected, you would've never seen an anthemic organ solo a la The Dickies' "I've Got A Splitting Hedachi" to complete the perfect picture, would ya? So killer. #moreorgansolosinpunk
Buy at Sorry State