7 New Releases on Neck Chop Records in Stock Now!

Neck Chop Records is one of our favorite record labels here at Sorry State and they've just dropped a whopping SEVEN new releases on us, plus two more distributed releases! As you might expect from such a big batch, these span quite a sylistic breadth, from the gnarly hardcore of C.H.E.W. to the power-pop of Color TV to the jittery new wave of Modern Living to the quirky and confrontational punk of the Perverts Again-affiliated band Knowso.

As with the last round of Neck Chop releases, we're offering a limited amount of bundles that get you all seven of their new releases as well as a Neck Chop tote bag and a few other goodies for a discounted price, namely a scant $50. We've also restocked ALL of the label's previous releases, so if you're missing anything click here for the full list. Alright, so here we go... first some BandCamp players so you can get acquainted with these bad boys, then the big list:

Buy a bundle of all 7 new Neck Chop releases for a discounted price of $50 and get a free Neck Chop tote bag!

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