Hi Sorry State readers! How’s it going? All is well on this end. Let’s jump into the fun stuff.
Powerplant’s EP A Spine/Evidence is one I’ve been enjoying for a while now, so it’s time to shine the spotlight on it. People in the Sun, their 2019 full length, has always been a popular one among our customers. I like it too, but I think this 2020 EP is my favorite in the Powerplant discography. It’s more simplistic, less animated, and overall just more accessible. It’s still synthy, but it’s more subtle and sounds more post-punk than their other stuff.
Evidence is the catchiest and most accessible track, which is probably why it’s placed right in the middle of the EP. It’s the most no frills post-punk sound of the bunch, and has the cleanest beat. I actually wish it was a little longer.
Prelude is what it sounds like. A prelude. It also sounds like the intro to a Goosebumps episode. But it sounds really cool paired with the super fast and frenzied album closer (Hurtwood). Hurtwood is the culmination of all the twists and turns up until this point, and it really ties everything together. I like the vocals best here because they’re the most raw, and that style juxtaposes the synthy sound nicely. If the vocals were dark and brooding like they are on the first track, Hurtwood would sound way too gothy and dated for me.
Anyway, I’d like to hear more of this style from Powerplant in the future. That’s all for now.
Thanks for reading!