So let’s jump right in with my top 10 new releases of 2024 (in no particular order, of course).
PURA MANÍA - Extraños Casos De La Vida Real 7” (Roachleg)
PUBLIC ACID - Deadly Struggle LP (Beach Impediment)
INVERTEBRATES - Sick to Survive LP (Beach Impediment)
MARCEL WAVE - Something Looming LP (Feel It)
SUBDUED - Abbatoir LP (La Vida Es Un Mus)
THE CARP - Knock Your Block Off LP (Total Punk)
TOZCOS - Infernal LP (Toxic State)
TIIKERI - Tee Se Itse 7” (self-released)
ALVILDA - C’est Déjà L’heure LP (Static Shock)
STRAW MAN ARMY - Earthworks LP (D4MT Labs / La Vida Es Un Mus)
Maximum Rocknroll asked me to contribute a year-end list again this year, so you’ll have to tune in there for my two cents about each record on my list. It looks like MRR hasn’t run their year-end lists yet, but I’ll drop a link in a future newsletter.
A couple notes about my list this year: 1. Typically I would never be so gauche as to include a release I didn’t own a physical copy of, but like a lot of you I haven’t been able to lay my hands on a copy of the Alvilda LP to call my own. We sold a lot of first and second press copies at Sorry State, but both times I was like, “eh, I’ll place my pre-order tomorrow,” and then suddenly it’s sold out. I didn’t make the same mistake with the 3rd press, but we’re still waiting on those so it’s not in my photo. 2. Last year I wrote a whole essay about my method for crafting my list, but this year it was a lot more from the hip. I looked through a few sources (Sorry State’s Record of the Week, the records I actually bought this year, and what I added to my digital library), made up a short list of around 30 releases I really liked, and pruned that list down to 10. Every year there are some things on the bubble, but I’m pretty happy with the 10 I landed on. For me, a record needs to feel “important” in some kind of way to merit a spot on the list, and I think all 10 of these clear that bar.
If you’re wondering about my shortlist, here are the artists on it. I thought all the releases these bands put out were awesome: Viscount, Nightfeeder, Tia Rosa, The Dark, Excess Blood, Savage Pleasure, Peace de Résistance, Homemade Speed, Class, Naked Roommate, Yellowcake, the Massacred, Guiding Light, Gimic, Thought Control, Paranoid Maniac, Kriegshög, Why Bother?, S.H.I.T., Muro, Bloodstains, Flower.
I also saw a lot of sick gigs this year. Some of my favorite sets were: Tiikeri, Lebenden Toten, Paranoid, KOS, Putkipommi, Meanwhile, Larma, Physique, Mob 47, Personal Damage, Paranoid, Kohti Tuhoa, Slan, Yambag, Deletär, and a bunch more I’m probably forgetting. And there are a ton of incredible bands I got to see multiple times this year, including Public Acid, Invertebrates, Destruct, Ultimate Disaster, Paranoid Maniac, Meat House, Mutant Strain, DE()T, and Vidro. I should get out to gigs more than I do (especially ones I’m not playing), but it feels like my social awkwardness is in full bloom lately.
Now let’s look at my year in record collecting. Every year, friends post pictures on Instagram of their favorite scores of the year, and it always makes me reflect on my collecting philosophy. I rarely buy records on Discogs, and I don’t aggressively pursue certain records the way many people seem to. I’ve always been more of an accumulator, happy to appreciate what the universe puts in my path. Usually that’s more than enough to keep me satisfied and my budget fully blown, and that was certainly the case this year. That being said, if anyone wants to help me get any of these into my collection in 2025, please get in touch:
La Banda Trapera Del Rio: 1st LP
Nerorgasmo 7”
Ratsia: 1st LP (I’d settle for a reissue of this one at this point!)
As for what I found this year, I’ll break it into chunks. (It is both sad and embarrassing that I have to break it into chunks.) Since I rarely go to the other record stores in Raleigh, I’ve developed a habit of splurging when I go out of town. This year Scarecrow toured Scandinavia, and I definitely went hard while we were there. Here are a few of my favorites that I picked up on the trip.