The Alley Cats: Escape from the Planet Earth 12" (MCA, 1983)
If you watched the recent episode of What Are You Listening To? when Jeff and I were guests a few weeks ago, you already know how I came by this record. It was one of our fellow guest Dave Brown's picks (he of Sewercide Records, whose most recent release from Cell Deth we just got in stock), and when I said that I'd had my eye out for a copy, Dave generously offered to send me the spare copy he had in his "to sell" box. Dave is a stand-up guy and he followed through on his promise (dutifully ignoring my attempts to give him money), and it arrived the other day. Unsurprisingly, since Dave has incredible taste, it totally kills.
While I've had both of the Alley Cats' singles for years (including their classic "Nothing Means Nothing Anymore" on Dangerhouse), I'd never investigated either of their full-lengths, Escape from the Planet Earth or its predecessor from 1981, Nightmare City. Someone had mentioned Nightmare City to me in the months leading up to the episode (I swear it was Jeff, but maybe I'm wrong), so I'd been on the lookout for both albums, but Nightmare City still hasn't come my way. I'm sure I could dial up these records and check them out online, but I like to let my desire percolate for a while. Plus, when you're really anticipating hearing something, diving straight in with the full physical release almost always provides the best first impression.
Speaking of first impressions, not much about Escape from the Planet Earth indicates that it would be as good as it is. Four years on from their first single, this album found the band moving from the indie label Time Coast to the major MCA. It took me several listens to even notice the album was on MCA, though, because it looks and sounds so much like an indie release. The black-and-white cover with simple typography (the back cover looks a little slicker) and the bare-bones recording are more in line with something I'd expect from a self-released record, but in this case I think it's a good thing the Alley Cats didn't get the full major label red carpet treatment, because that might have ruined what is otherwise an excellent album.
You can definitely hear the Alley Cats' years of maturity on Escape from the Planet Earth. While even their first single featured tight and agile playing, Escape from the Planet Earth is the sound of a band that really knows how to play together. There’s plenty of barn-burning punk, but many of the songs on this album have rhythmically quirky, new wave-ish grooves the band executes with power and precision. The trio sounds totally locked in, a feeling that's amplified by the clear but unvarnished production. I hear very few overdubs on the album, just the sound of three musicians perfectly in sync. Even on the less straightforward songs, the band lays into it like they're gakked up on a pile of cheap powders. The drummer in particular is wailing, and the super dry recording with the drums right up front in the mix makes the performance hit that much harder. And when they hit you with a full-on rocker like the closer, "Just an Alley Cat," they're unstoppable.
Thanks again to Dave for turning me onto the gem and getting it into my hands. If anyone out there reading happens upon a copy—the going rate seems to be about $20—I highly recommend picking this up. There aren't too many early 80s punk LPs where original copies give you this much bang for your buck.