Danny's Staff Pick: February 3, 2025

What’s up fellow sorry staters? Another week, another pick! As some of you have picked up on, I have been busy listing some really great used 7"s, so check back this week as I will be listing daily! So often the week just goes by so quick and I realize that I have not really checked out anything new this week. So I have been keeping myself busy listening to things I know. Some killer 90s death metal has been played a lot this week in the warehouse and has put me in the mood to revisit one of my favorite classic 90s death metal bands: Cannibal Corpse.

I am more of a fan of Corpsegrinder’s vocals than Chris Barnes (sorry to all the die hard early Cannibal Corpse fans!) and one of my favorite Cannibal Corpse albums is Gallery Of Suicide. Right off the rip you get one of the best Cannibal Corpse songs, “I Will Kill You.” It’s a non-stop slaughter from start to finish, both lyrically and sonically of course, the only way that Cannibal Corpse knows how to do it! The cover art, like all other Cannibal Corpse releases, is gruesome and besides Tomb Of The Mutilated, one of the grossest and best covers the band has put out.

We still have some really nice and clean used Cannibal Corpse CDs and some rare NESI vinyl pressings in the store as well!


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