Happy Newsletter day Sorry Staters. Even though we have switched our drop day to Mondays, we’ve still kept our deadline for our picks to Thursdays, which isn’t anything odd, but writing for the future this week is a little weird. Today, Thursday, is the first day of the Hopscotch Music Festival here in Raleigh and this year’s line-up is particularly strong. I’m hoping that by the time you read this, if you went, you had a killer time. Not even sure who I’ll end up catching, but it doesn’t really matter. Live music. It’s ace.
If you were in town and had a chance to stop by our store and pick up something tasty, thank you. Thank you everyone for your support. You keep the wheels rolling and the lights on, which means that we can keep stocking more new records by more bands and in turn support them.
There’s so much new stuff coming through our store, let alone elsewhere, that it is literally impossible to keep on top of it all. Two examples I would like to use as my picks for you readers this week are the bands Heavenly Blue and Tha Retail Simps. Both bands from Canada and although a little different in sound, both following the long lineage of garage and punk bands that have kept the original spirit of teenage rock ‘n roll alive and well. As someone raised on Pebbles, Back From The Grave and KBD comps, I hear a lot to like in both bands.
Prompted by the recent arrival of the latest Retail Simps record Live On Cool Street and a 45 from Heavenly Blue, I gave a good listen to everything we had by both bands. Retail Simps changed their Tha to Thee and might be adding an extra e with each new release. Very Oh Sees and Headcoats of them. This is the first slice of wax that we have had from Heavenly Blue, carrying their two previous cassette releases. They are out on the Sewercide label whilst the Simps are currently on Total Punk. That should be the end of anyone’s review saying they’re on the Total Punk label. I mean, what can you say? Those guys have a deserved reputation akin to Crypt, Sympathy For The Record Industry, Bomp, Stiff and many other fine labels for high-level quality releases. You almost don’t need to hear it before you buy it. The best compliment one can give a label.
I liked the new Heavenly Blue 45. The simple garage aesthetic of the plain brown sleeve and stamped band logo appealed to me. It looks like an old single from the late sixties or early seventies. Sound wise, the band have added a little fidelity polish to proceedings, but keep to the garage punk of their demo tape, although as Jeff and I listened we wondered whether there was a different vocalist. The singer seemed to be less growly, we thought. Good stuff though. Four tracks, with the first Push On Thru reminding me of a slowed down take on The Wailers’ Out Of Our Tree. Slightly. I can’t tell you too much about the band other than they come from Halifax, Nova Scotia and that you should give them a listen and check ‘em out live if they come to your town or you are in their neck of the woods.
As for Thee Retail Simps? Do you like garage punk? Have you attended a Goner Fest? Do bands like Dead Moon, The Make-Up, Thee Oh Sees, Smirk, Blues Explosion, King Khan & The Shrines float yer boat? If you answered yes to any of those questions, then you probably are already hip to what these guys are doing. For those playing catch up like myself, don’t sweat; we have both their records currently in stock and you should check ‘em out. Two winners I think.
These guys are from Montreal, Canada, but if you told me Memphis, it would make total sense. The music is very much American but with the Euro X factor going on, which makes for an interesting and fun listen. On the latest record, they expand on their sound and throw in a few curve balls. When I was listening, I had to check once or twice to make sure it was the same record. Not that the stylistic changes are so dramatic, but there is more going on than just simple, drunken garage rock. You get some of that for sure, but you also get some clever song writing and mood setters for your money too. Neato packaging too with a poster included.
Whether you are an old school head or not, these guys might well become your new favorite band. Maybe.
Okay, I must finish this and get on with work and then get out and see some music. Thanks for reading. See you next time.
Cheers - Dom