What’s up Sorry State readers? I hope everyone has had a nice week. In classic North Carolina fashion, we have gone from snow to springtime in the matter of a week, although I’m sure the winter weather will return with a vengeance. I’ve been off my movie game the past month or two, but have gotten back on track and have been hitting the theaters heavily recently. One movie I saw the other week was actually a sequel to a movie I wrote about back in October, Basket Case 2, and I can safely say it was one of the most out of left field movies I’ve ever seen. Truly a fever dream of a film. If someone out there listened to my recommendation and watched this, I implore you to watch this sequel. I’m not here to talk about blob coitus though. This past Thursday I went and watched Profondo Rosso (directed by Dario Argento) at the Rialto here in Raleigh for the conclusion of their “Gialo January” series. The movie features an amazing, off the walls score by Goblin. This actually marks the first time the Italian band worked with Argento, and they would go on to work on many more films together, including Suspiria two years later. I can’t lie, and maybe I’m showing my ass here, but I wasn’t completely in love with the film. Not to say it isn’t shot beautifully and isn’t entertaining, including some funny dialogue, but I guess it wasn’t my cup of tea. It also doesn’t help that the theater is next-door neighbors with a hookah lounge blaring music the whole time, but that’s besides the point, not even the bombastic bass could overshadow this creepy and captivating score. The title track is like the Halloween Theme’s cool older cousin that smokes weed. I’m not sure if that’ll make sense to anyone else, but it does to me. This score is not afraid to go out there, but if you’re familiar with Goblin, then you already know this. Come for the Italian murder mystery, stay for the bangin’ Goblin score.