What’s up Sorry State readers? I hope everyone has had a nice week. We’ve had some beautiful weather here in Raleigh recently and it’s finally feeling like spring a little bit. As I’m writing this, it’s about 75 out and I’ve got my windows open, so I can’t complain too much. Sometimes you wanna just listen to something short, sweet and fun, so this morning I’ve been listening to the Rotary Club - American Tower 7”, which clocks in at under four minutes, one song on each side. Sometimes that’s all you need though, some crisp vocals and some catchy lyrics and riffs, all delivered to you faster than you can say “damn this is good who is this?” I’m a big fan of the B side on here, Planet 67, as someone who made many prank phone calls when I was younger with the ol’ reliable *67 trick.
Honestly, it might not have anything to do with that, but with the telephone imagery on the cover and the name Rotary Club, I’m gonna choose to believe that’s where it comes from. I was lucky to snag a copy as we sold out almost immediately when we put them up, but you can listen on streaming services or their bandcamp.