John Scott's Staff Pick: September 23, 2024

What’s up Sorry State readers, I hope everyone has had a nice week. Continuing on from last week, I’d like to write about the other record I picked up when I was in Seattle, Genclik Ile Elele by Mustafa Ozkent. While I was flipping through records in the store, I was greeted by a cover of a monkey in a sweater sitting in front of some audio equipment. It didn’t really matter what music was on it; I was gonna get it. Luckily for me, this album is full of psychedelic Turkish heat. It sounds like it could be the soundtrack to the sickest 70s spy B-movie that never was. This thing is ripe for the picking for samples. There are just so many cool moments on it. The drums on this record just keep it moving and grooving the entire time. Dom informed me this used to be a secret weapon for DJs back in the day before it became more well known and I can see why. My favorite track on here might be the final track, Ayaş Yollarinda. It feels like a huge crescendo to end this banger of an album with a particularly sick solo on the organ about halfway through the track. Add a little dash of psychedelic Turkish funk to your next listening session.

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