SSR Picks: Jeff - January 27 2022

What’s up Sorry Staters?

Every now and then, I’m surprised at what cool used record happen to stick around here at the store after the weekend. This could be due to my insular point of view, and me not realizing certain records that I happen to put on a pedestal are not nearly as cool to other people. But the other day, I posted about a used copy we have of Don’t Be Mistaken by Agression on my Instagram story. I jokingly referenced “Locals Only” and said the record was for non-kooks only. A bunch of my out-of-town friends responded and were like “I’d come buy that right now.”

The crusty, skateboard-obsessed teenage version of myself was all about Agression and anything that blended skating and punk, particularly the Oxnard variety. For whatever reason, I feel like next to Nardcore groups like RKL and Dr. Know, I hear Agression being mentioned way less often. I’ve had my personal copy of Don’t Be Mistaken for many years now. Admittedly, I had not listened to my copy in a while, and I found myself totally losing it over how raging this copy sounded while I was blasting it in the store the other day. I feel like most of the 80s Nardcore stuff, particularly on Mystic, has awful production. Agression’s first LP was on BYO with no Doug Moody involved, and the production sounds so heavy, and totally oozes with vibe, attitude and energy. As dirty and punk as the band sounds, I’ve always thought Mark Hickey’s vocals have this rock’n’roll edge to them. He’s so charismatic and he sings with this dramatic flamboyance that feels uncommon when you’re talking skate rock.

I don’t have too much else to say to be honest haha. I will say that listening to this rager made me wanna go skate so bad. I’ve still got a board, so assuming my knees can take it, maybe I’ll go give skating a shot and blast some Agression while I’m at it. Do yourself a favor and do the same. Go shred. NO MERCY!

As always, thanks for reading.

‘Til next week,


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