What’s up Sorry Staters?
Welp, I’ve gotta talk to ya about the new White Stains 7”. I’ve been really into the last few releases on the Neon Taste label. Those Canadians have really carved out a decisive look and sound for the records they decide to put out. After hearing stuff like that Imploders 7”, I see how Pittsburgh’s White Stains could fit right in. It’s really cool this release is part of their catalog.
The dudes in White Stains have also played in a bunch of your other favorite hardcore bands. Their LP Make Me Sick felt really fresh to me when it came out because it wasn’t so focused on being the “most heavy” or even the fastest punk record ever made. White Stains leaned pretty heavy into a more “classic” side of hardcore punk, if that makes sense? Like you can’t imagine the dudes in the band caring about silly metal-punk shit like leather pants or eyeliner. The vibe is more like the dudes are probably all wearing shredded blue jeans that they were just skating in before they walked in to record this EP. And if the tuneful, (for lack of a better comparison) West-coast influenced sound was apparent on their first record, then Blood On The Beach dives deeper into this classic-sounding direction. While there are of course killer riffs, some of the tracks on this new 7” feel more decidedly song-based than just stringing a bunch of killer riffs together. The nasty, irreverent menace of bands like Sick Pleasure are coupled with the Agnew-style melodic riffage and hooky vocals of Adolescents. Particularly the song “2021” feels like the hit, like it should be the standout track on a Posh Boy single or something. Plus, the Vains tribute for the cover art is killer. “White Vains” ;)
I feel certain you didn’t need me to sit here and tell you to check this record out. But just in case you were on the fence, don’t sleep. Grab this ripper.
Short and sweet this week. Punk rules. As always, thanks for reading.
‘Til next week,