Hello, and welcome to my Top 10 of 2021. This year was insanely good for records. There was so many more great releases than I could include in my ten picks; it was hard to narrow it down. Well kind of; some of them were 100% no-brainers. I decided not to include cassettes to make it easier on myself. I thought about doing an “Honorable Mentions” thing too but who the fuck cares what I think... Getting on with it, in no particular order.
Warchild: A Question For Today...Not Tomorrow (D-Takt & Råpunk Records) I hadn’t heard this band until this release. Jocke was so kind and sent me a copy so I could get the complete limited-edition bundle of DTAKT releases. This recording is excellent, right up my alley with a raging nonstop D-beat attack. I hear lots of shit that’s similar to this style come out every year, but rarely does it actually catch my ears. Even though I am d-beat fiend at heart, I still think it’s hard to please me.
Svaveldioxid: Första Dagen Efter Sista Bomben (Phobia Records) Sticking with another Swedish band’s release, this one really struck my fancy. I think I have all of Svaveldixod’s records, but something about this record stands out from the previous release to me. It’s the same nonstop D-beat attack as Warchild, but with a totally different vibe. It’s heavy, it’s mean. It is total käng.
Golpe: La Colpa È Solo Tua (Sorry State Records) Hell yeah I chose a Sorry State release. This fucking record is amazing, honestly probably one of the best 12"s that came out this year. Well duh, it’s on my list.. I jammed this so many times I can’t even explain. Tadzio sent me the master ages ago, cos he actually asked if BPDT would have interest in releasing it. Of course he dropped our asses the second Daniel replied and said SSR would do it, haha fucker. Much love to Tadzio, I can’t wait to see what he does next.
Nervous SS / Rat Cage: Skopje Vs. Sheffield (La Vida Es Un Mus) This is an excellent split. When is the last time I even got a split where both bands ruled? Most people probably bought this cos of Rat Cage. While I enjoy Rat Cage, Nervous SS is my fucking shit. Blagoj is the fucking man. This dude can rip every instrument, seriously. Cannot wait to hear what he does next... maybe I already have ;)
Quarantine: Agony (Damage United) Do I need to write anything here? If you read my Staff Picks you already know that I was obsessed with this band, to the point of making a fanzine. If you missed a physical copy, you can download it here.
Tower 7: ...Peace On Earth? (Roachleg Records) I just wrote about this last week. Probably in the Top 25 records of the past 10 years. So fucking good. Worth all the hype you see.
Electric Chair: Social Capital (Iron Lung Records) Speaking of hype... I contemplated putting this up there, but the fact is that it is a fucking excellent EP. This band is sick as fuck, they aren’t “re-inventing the wheel” but they figured out how the wheel works at it’s the most optimal, peak performance.
Fairytale: Self-titled (Desolate Records) When I saw this band, they only had their flexi out. I didn’t know what to expect. I don’t think I even knew Joe B was in the band. When I saw them live, my wig got split. Everything clicked. This band is top-notch. Raw, ruthless hardcore that gives no mercy to the listener. This was another no-brainer for my Top 10. I hope they do something new soon so I can get my wig split yet again.
Kohti Tuhoa: Väkivaltaa (La Vida Es Un Mus) I was super late to the game on this band. I remember hearing the EP from last year, Elä Totuudesta, right at the end of the year. I only did a bullshit Top 3 last year, but Kohti Tuhoa should’ve been on that list as well. Each release they do is killer, from the first one to the latest one. The sound has changed, but it’s all excellent. Not better or worse, just different.
Yleiset Syyt: Umpikujamekanismi (Open Up And Bleed Recordings) This is my favorite EP of this year. Easily. Somebody PLEASE sell me their first EP and LP. Please.
Next year I will make a “Worst of 2022” list. I hope Turnstile makes a new album. Happy New Year, send your hate mail to in.decay@yahoo.com