Hi and thanks for reading. It’s been a minute since we’ve had a newsletter, and we’ve had a ton of killer records come in and out of stock since. There are a number of records in stock currently that I’d like to write about, but I am going to keep this short and focus on this NUKIES 12”. I have been pretty sick the last week or so, and as a result I have not been listening to much of anything. My head is so congested I legit can’t hear properly. When I finally get my ears to pop, I’m like oh my god that’s what this is supposed to sound like… but unfortunately the relief is only for a few minutes and then my heads is back to the clouds.
I wrote about NUKIES previously when their debut came out. The songwriting is right up my alley, so when I saw they had a new record coming out I got mad excited. NUKIES take obvious influence from TOTALITÄR, but they also remind me of modern classics like HERÄTYS. It’s no easy task trying to emulate that sound, but NUKIES deliver it with authenticity. The songs on this record range from a faster tempo (but not like blazing fast, cos you gotta leave room for the killer riffs to breathe) to the more pulled-back, super in-the-pocket tempo that brings head banging to the max. Luckily, I think I counted only one breakdown on the entire record, hehe, so it really is up my alley. I really love how the A side ends with a full-on dirge. I feel like I never hear that on modern records, and they really pulled it off. On the B side they bust out this pogo one, “Paralysis,” and it really compliments their sound. Bouncing back and forth between pogo and d-beat can be a bit cheesy if you ask me, but again, NUKIES pull that shit off. The record was recorded by Kenko at Communichaos and it sounds killer. If you haven’t heard these guys yet, check ‘em out! I was going to suggest their first 12” as well, but it appears we’ve sold out as of last week. I did see that we have copies of this absolute Danish classic from KALASHNIKOV in stock! I’m sure we highlighted the hell outta this record when it was initially reissued a few years ago, but if you aren’t familiar, this record is essential to every collection as far as I’m concerned. Check it out! Anyway, that sums it up for me this week. We don’t have many copies of Paralysis of Fear from NUKIES, so don’t sleep! I hope everyone is taking care out there. Cheers and thanks for your support!