Hello and thanks for reading! I am here today to talking about the latest, amazing release from Norwegian Leather! I love this label. I know they haven’t done much, but re-issuing How We Feel and releasing a BANNLYST discography LP is so cool to me. I can’t remember which one of those 12"s it was, but it was my introduction to Norwegian hardcore. I like the sound of Norwegian bands I know a lot. Unfortunately, I don’t really know that many. The bands I do know tend to have melodic tendencies, but the sound really stands out to me cos they still maintain a pummeling intensity regardless of how catchy the song may be. BANNLYST is probably one of my favorite Norwegian bands, but also it seems like a no-brainer cos the band has a good amount of tracks out there and they all rip. Some of the other Norwegian bands I know started to sound a little less “hardcore” as time went on, and the sound isn’t really for me. Anyway, naturally when I saw an upcoming BANNLYST 7" on this archival label I got super excited!! They shared a blog post, explaining about how this 7" came to be that I would encourage everyone to read. I think it’s so cool to be in this day and age, and there is still some killer hardcore being unearthed from the 80s and released. The B-side has a live recording from 1992 of them playing an EP song, and it fucking rules. The EP comes with a full-color foldout photo of the band with lyrics and info on the back, housed in a super thick pocket sleeve. What a beautiful release, from the sound to packaging. (And the price, that’s cheaper than some domestic releases, haha.) Get one! Before I go, another tour memory… we played at Club 37 in Oslo. This band SVART PEENG played, and they were sick as hell. SCARECROW likes to keep a couple cover songs in our back pocket, and a SVART FRAMTID (Norway) cover is one of those. Well, we joked about playing this cover when we were in Norway, but we could not decide if it was whack. There was some older guy who approached our merch table early on and bought two copies of our record and t-shirt. I thought this might be a good guy to ask. So, I asked him if it was a bad idea. Not only did he say it was a not bad, but it was a good idea and we should definitely do it. The room was already packed and crazy for SVART PEENG, so inevitably the energy would be great for us. But when we busted out that cover, I feel like the room exploded. I remember looking up (which is very rare occurrence for me) and this guy had essentially pushed Red to the side and had the mic in hand, yelling every lyric. So sick. It is a great memory for me. Anyway, thanks for reading and thanks to everyone for the support!! It’s quite busy here..