Hello and thank you for reading. Also, Happy New Year to all ye who read our newsletter. There are so many good things out right now, and I am really excited about the two new releases we are dropping today. Sorry State co-released the HIC SYSTEEMI cassette with the Finnish Hardcore label, and that is so cool to me!! We also have the LAMA cassette available they released at the same time. I know the cost is expensive cos it’s an import cassette, but the sound is pretty good, and the packaging is cool. The SIRKKA 7” we just released is so fucking good. They blew my mind with their debut cassette and I have been dying to hear what they’d do next. It’s awesome their follow-up is released on Sorry State! I’m actually surrounded by discs, download cards, and unfolded covers as I write this haha... only about a hundred left to go though. We met the vocalist Sanja while we were on tour in Europe. It’s a small world... the amazing driver for SCARECROW tour, Liese, is the person who did the front cover of the EP! They live in the same building, so cool haha.
Our first night of tour was in Münster, and we played with this band INFERNO PERSONALE, and they were awesome live! I had never heard them before, so I had no idea what to expect. It was a great way to start the tour. At the time I had no idea they had an LP coming out soon, and this LP is a fucking scorcher… I love the art too. I listened to it so many times, if you haven’t heard it yet check that link and grab a copy here. I got a copy immediately. Seriously it’s so sick. The cover is screen printed too, ahh. I need to stop talking about other shit, but there are so many cool things to mention, like the MASSACRED 7" on Active-8 Records. I’ve seen them once (or twice?) and they were so good live. I had never heard them before I saw them, so I was excited to see this record come out and the sound really translated onto the record.
Alright getting on with it... well actually going back to tour again, Adult Crash dropped this cassette from NUKIES while we were on the road. I heard only bits of it cos my phone speakers are complete shit, but every bit sounded so sick and I couldn’t wait to hear the whole thing on proper speakers. The first run of tapes sold out super quick, but luckily Sorry State was able to stock the second run! This release is like everything I want to hear in a band. They got the fuckin riffs, they are playing that beat I like, and they without a doubt have the capability to simultaneously rip and groove at the same time. I love the vocals too. The vocalist has their own distinct sound. The name is a bit cheesy, but I love that they embrace it with the equally cheesy artwork. It’s fucking awesome, 10/10 release. OK, that’s it then, thanks to everyone for the support and thank you for reading. I hope everyone made it through the holidays alright. Cheers :)