Hello and thanks for reading! I wasn’t too sure what to write about this week. DESTRUCT’s new album is now available for pre-order and streaming, but only the special record release gig version of the LP has circulated. SCARECROW played this gig, and DESTRUCT was off the charts. I’ve seen them a lot and I think this was the best I have I yet to witness, god damn… I think the LPs they had at the gig sold out before they even played, haha. I thought it might be best to wait and write about the LP until Sorry State gets our copies, since the limited blue vinyl quickly sold out on pre-order from Grave Mistake. I’ve been playing this LP for a while now since I am lucky enough to have a test press, and it is fucking killer. Just wait until you hear their split tracks on the upcoming ‘Screaming Death’ 4-way split LP...
I haven’t really mentioned this to anyone, but since my brand new label has released something this week I thought I would mention it! This label will be focusing on reissues only, beginning with this SEKAANNUS 7”. Sorry State will definitely be getting copies of this once the covers arrive next week, so there’s no need to order from my site if you are interested. Well, I do have some color vinyl available still that’s only available direct from Mäkitie 8... SEKAANNUS had a demo tape before their split with MASSACRE. The tape is quite rare, but luckily there have been some digital rips shared over the years. The band plays much more raw and raging hardcore during this time, instead of the more pulled-back, groovy song writing that came later on the “Kutsu” EP. I enjoyed that EP a lot, but there’s nothing that beats raw Finnish hardcore, haha. I am happy this demo has finally made its way to a reissue and I love that they still did the cover in the classic Finnish cut-and-paste style!! This 7" is actually the second release for Mäkitie 8. The KAAOS 12" that was supposed to be the label’s debut is still at the plant, but it should be released soon! The KAAOS 12" is a live recording, super early in the band’s formation. It’s got a ton of unreleased songs and actually has Kake on vocals instead of Jakke, like the split with CADGERS. Both of these are co-releases with the Finnish Hardcore label, and Sami is the one doing all the work. He has some other plans ahead that I am very excited to play in a role in as well. To simply put it, it’s an honor to have this small hand in releasing some old raw Finnish hardcore!! Alright, back to work then. Thanks to everyone for reading and thanks loads for the support here at Sorry State, cheers!