Hello and thanks for reading,
I haven’t been spending much time listening to records the last two weeks, unfortunately. I haven’t been home much, and at work I’ve mostly been listening to MISFITS in preparation for a Halloween cover show, and INDIGESTI. For some reason I can’t stop listening to INDIGESTI. I have picked up a handful of records here and there over the last few weeks. When I saw DESTRUCT up in Richmond a few weeks ago, I was very excited to grab their new 12” split with LIFE. Sorry State does not have our copies yet, but hopefully this time next week you will be reading me rave about it, haha. If you missed this one, you can check it out here and get excited for us to get copies in stock. I was wondering what I would write about this week, since I haven’t been playing much stuff at home. I realized this morning I was overlooking a record that I have been jamming the last few months that I can finally write about. And that is ZORN’s brand new 12” on Sorry State, Endless Funeral. No joke, my housemate just walked by room and said damn man you’ve been playing this shit a lot lately…haha.
While Sorry State has many parts of the operation that all of us significantly contribute to, Daniel is the one who decides what’s released on the label. It is his label in the end, of course. There is some stuff we release that I don’t like at all, and then there is some stuff that I think is absolutely killer. This new ZORN is some of that killer shit. I do kinda have a soft spot for these goofy maniacs, since we’ve known each other since like 2017 I think. I feel like I have seen them more times than I can count. If I remember right, SCARECROW’s first outta town show was with ZORN and DARK THOUGHTS in Philly. I remember our demo tape was not even out yet, haha. I feel like ZORN has come really far since their earlier stuff, and live… holy shit. They are so powerful and tight, with just a touch of violence, haha. Anyone that knows me, knows that I am not a fan of metal. While ZORN leans so far into metal, it might be more metal than punk; their roots in hardcore are still present and bring driving force to their songs. They are a bit gimmick-y with the make-up, chains, and coffin; but don’t let that mislead you into thinking the band relies on gimmicks. They write excellent, dynamic songs. I’m not really sure what their influences are. I feel like music is the last thing we ever talk about when hanging out, haha. Surely the vocalist Eric loves MERCYFUL FATE, though, and I know he is a major songwriter in the band. The B side begins with a song entitled Endless Funeral, and it’s my favorite song on the record. The guitar is just so crazy, and it’s even more crazy they incorporate it into hardcore. It took me a minute to figure out what it reminded me of. Maybe I’m nuts, but it sounds like some shit you’d hear on a castle level on Super Mario. I love it.
They just kicked off their Euro tour today. If you live in Europe check out their tour flyer. If you live anywhere close to the cities they are playing, be sure to make the effort to see them cos you will not be disappointed. If you missed it, their debut 12” is now back in print! They will have copies of both 12”s on tour. Alright I think that’s all for this week. Thanks for reading, and thanks for your support.