Hello and thanks for reading.
Surprise, I am writing about yet another Swedish band. There are still a few other recent releases from Sweden I have been jamming, but I am going to pace myself and just go one at a time. This week it’s PX-30 from Uppsala. I should have done some proper nerding before writing but unfortunately, I did not. I say that cos PX-30 has the same guitarist from HERÄTYS. That has significance to me cos I think HERÄTYS is one of the greatest contemporary bands ever to exist. I guess I should say that my definition of a contemporary band would be one who formed in 2000 or after. If you don’t know them, you can check out their 12” here. Or maybe I should call it an LP? I don’t know. It’s two different recording sessions, one on each side. My friends and I always debate which side is better, haha. My last conclusion was that the B side obviously had way better sound/production, while I still found the songs on the A side to be more memorable. Maybe that will change one day, though. Those B side riffs are really kicking around my head after this latest listen. They have a few other 7"s, and luckily for you these records are not hard to find if you’re just now hearing how excellent this band is.
Anyway, PX-30 has been on my radar since they dropped a digital version of this LP all the way back in May of last year. Insane it was that long between the recording and the record actually coming out. I think a big hold up was the artwork, but man if you ask me this super captivating, unique, thought-provoking and complex artwork they came through with in the end was definitely worth the wait! The sound of HERÄTYS can be found in PX-30 in a sense, but the bands don’t really sound the same. The riffs are unbelievably catchy and played locked-tight with the drums that are grooving hard as fuck. They have a tendency for songs to evolve into breakdowns or mid-tempo parts. Typically, this is a formula I really do not like, but every now and again there is a band like PX-30 who pulls me in deep enough for me to forget my standards on breakdowns.
The vocalist of PX-30 is named Martin, and we became friends when we played in Uppsala on our European tour in 2022. I remember when we met. He said something like, “Probably no one is going to come to the gig. I’m sorry. I will be sure you get 100 euros, though.” If I remember right, it was a bad time for a gig cos everyone was at a fest or on holiday or something. I guess we had planned that tour a little too late in the summer. I can’t remember when it was exactly, but in almost every city they told us to tour earlier in the summer next time cos so many people were away on holiday. There were a few gigs, like Uppsala, where we played totally alone. I didn’t give a fuck, though. I think I’ve mentioned before how I hold Uppsala in high regard. I guess it dates back to BOMBANFALL for me, but when I first became obsessed with Uppsala, I did not know who they were. My introduction was via Your Own Jailer, a killer label operated by Jan Jutila, who released and also played on some essential records throughout the 90s. I’ve gushed over this guy before, and I am way off topic.
So back to Uppsala, I think we played there cos we could not get a gig in Stockholm, but obviously I was very happy to visit this place that was so legendary in my mind. Yeah, we played alone, but holy shit there were like 80 people there or some shit by the time we played. After the gig, we drove to Stockholm to sleep with a mate, so we didn’t really spend much time with Martin. But I thought it was a pleasure to meet, and we kept in touch after. When I let him know of our plans for touring in Sweden again, he insisted we play Uppsala again, as it was not on the initial itinerary. Obviously, I wanted to do this, and I insisted the PX-30 play. I was so happy that in the end we played there with both GEFYR and PX-30. I can’t express how happy and grateful I am to have shared a stage with both of these bands.
This time after the gig, we hung out hard with Martin at his flat. We had a lot of good laughs, some drinks, and snacks. I learned that PX-30 is actually a paint marker that people use for graffiti. I’m sure that was obvious to others, especially with the band’s logo choice, haha. But my noob ass does not know shit. Martin gave us some PX-30 hand-dubbed promo cassettes before we parted ways at the end of tour. He also gave me a PX-30 marker that will remain un-opened, and I will cherish it until the day comes that I materialize our memories and bond of friendship in an act of vandalism. Fuck, I really have not talked about much of anything again and I need get to work. Buy this record; you won’t be disappointed. Cheers and thanks for reading. Thanks to everyone for your support. If you’re reading this Martin, Hi :)