Pressure Pin: Superficial Feature 7"

Pressure Pin: Superficial Feature 7"

Tags: · 20s · hcpmf
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Our take: Debut release from this one-person (as far as I can tell) project from Montreal, Canada. When I first listened to Pressure Pin, I thought they must be from Cleveland because they sound a lot like the Cruelster / Knowso / Perverts Again universe of bands. Based on my research, those similarities appear to be mere coincidence, but that being said, anyone who loves those Cleveland bands’ distinctive way with a herky-jerky rhythm should give this a try. I’ve seen a few people refer to Pressure Pin as egg punk, and I suppose I can see why… I hear Devo’s focus on interesting rhythms and there are some synths in the mix, but Superficial Feature has a more classic sound and seems less of the moment than much of what I call egg punk. The production is rich and the songs feel well-developed rather than like a tossed-off imitation. Every track is dense with twists, turns, and excitement, but “Limited Movement” is the highlight, closing this strong EP by working some solid pop hooks into the melee.