The only existing discography by the most influental anarchopunk band of all times! Most of the songs has never been available on CD before!!! Musically they linger somewhere in between crust, hardcore and punk, and I suppose anarchopunk is the best way to describe it. If you take bands like Aus-Rotten, Oi Polloi and Cress, mix it with Homomilitia and put a Swedish spin on it, and you have a fair idea of Operation’s sound. A very aggressive sound, an aggression upheld by the two screaming lads and the screaming gal. It’s distortion, chaos, punk and politics, and it kicks arse.
Selling points
# This is the ultimate discography CD with almost every track recorded between 1996-1999. Most of the songs have never before been available on CD!
# Remastered 2007/2008 for this release. From the ashes has been used as reference for this project.
# The tracks are as essential today as it where when they where released. As long as you don't resist, you're supporting the system!