Taking their name for no other reason than to be a band that wouldn't sell a t-shirt, Bedwetters seemed perfectly happy to cultivate zero attention but that was impossible considering how infectious their demo was.
BA take cues from classic LA punk like the Deadbeats and the modern KBD-esq spin of Liquids. FFO: Dow Jones and the Industrials. 200 copies only and sure to please.
Our take: This 5-song debut EP from Canada’s Bedwetters Anonymous is one of those rare records that feels as well-crafted and powerful as the best 70s punk. Much of contemporary punk rock is primitive and raw, but Bedwetters Anonymous—despite their low-brow name—isn’t afraid to display their musical chops. The label’s description mentions the Weirdos as a point of comparison, and that’s the reference point I keep going back to. Besides the vocalist’s similar vibrato, these tracks have a balance of speed, power, and anthemic melody that likens them to the Weirdos’ best stuff. All five tracks are strong, but “Heistville” gets my vote for the standout anthem. As well as having great hooks, Bedwetters Anonymous are great song arrangers, building loans of cool fills and transitions into their songs to make sure everything hits with maximum impact. Have U Experienced Discomfort is so catchy that it could appeal to fans of a band like the Briefs, but it’s gritty and fast enough for a hardcore guy like me too.