Considering the weighty legacy of music in Austin, Texas, starting a band in that city must be a heavy burden to bear. Damak make it seem like an effortless task on their debut full length release, Crisis Of Faith. You can hear the echos of San Pedro jams, desert freak-outs from Arizona and noisy memories of hardcore Minnesotan melodies. Damak take all these roots and synthesize them into a musical expression with other vibes layered onto the familiar: bits of early 1970’s German rhythms, Morricone-ian soundscapes, indie urges of the ’90’s, flutes, organs, hollers and more. Damak make this album a kaleidoscopic, yet still compact, 11 track insight into their own unique, musical world. Repeated listens are both demanded by, and rewarded with solid grooves and addictive melodies.