M:40: Historiens Svarta Vingslag CD

M:40: Historiens Svarta Vingslag CD

Tags: · 00s · crust · emo · hcpmf · spo-default · spo-disabled
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Twelve songs of furious crust/hardcore. It’s extremely fast, extremely uncompromising and yet extremely ordinary! This is crustcore complete with angst ridden vocals and lyrics about politics, despair and hopelessness – I guess! What still makes M:40 a little more interesting than most other crust bands is their ability to incorporate more complex elements of post-hardcore in some songs as in example “När Bomberna Faller”. M:40 is also tighter than many other grind-/crustcore bands and still they are furiously fast. Let’s start a riot!

Selling points
# Crust/hardcore deriving from Lidköping, Sweden.
# Twelve songs of total fury! Since the crust vary to slower parts, this can only be called one of the best records of 2007!
# Think Totalt Jävla Mörker mixed with Neurosis!