Do you ever sit in your room and just stare at the wall repeating a mantra to yourself? Because it’s all you can do to not totally wreck everything in sight? We do that too and most of the music that’s playing sounds like this PAPRIKA record. This is their mantra: “Destroying Shit… Ruining Lives…” To be repeated over and over while digesting this deliberately paced rampaging hardcore punk record. “Let’s Kill Punk”, with it’s massive sounding production, is all outward facing hostility projected larger than life onto you sorry public inhabitants. Creepy crawl to hell or die trying, punk.
Small amount of ltd edition color vinyl copies available while supplies last. First come, first serve.
Our take: We’ve carried two tapes by this New Orleans hardcore punk band at Sorry State, now they’re back with their debut 12” on Iron Lung Records. When I listen to Let’s Kill Punk, I’m struck by its maximalism. Everything feels larger than life here: the big, booming sounds, the chunky, moshable riffs, even the singer’s charismatic snarl. It’s so imposing that, as a listener, I was leveled on my first few listens, failing to appreciate much of the subtlety while I was processing the music’s blunt force. It took several plays before I could appreciate, for instance, the great riff at the center of the opening track, “Peace Talks,” which has a subtle, Wipers-y gloom coloring its attack. Let’s Kill Punk is short, most of its 10 tracks hovering around a minute in length, and Paprika doesn’t linger at all, going straight for the kill and making a quick getaway before you know what hit you. It’s only with multiple listens that you really appreciate how deftly Paprika annihilates you.