2nd press with risographed covers!
After we released "Kako, Molim?" demo tape at the end of the 2018, here is the brand new offering of probably the only band from ex-Yugoslavia region that's taking strong influences from the 80's post punk & new wave music from the same area. This time the band recorded their first full length album by themselves filled with a lot of local charm we all dig and love. Heavy vibes of Yugo post punk forces ŠARLO AKROBATA, DOBRI ISAK and early output of ELEKTRIČNI ORGAZAM are still more than obvious, but it's also hard not to mention echoes of the more obscure acts like DEFEKTNO DEFEKTNI.
Parnepar surely has unique character and approach in writing lyrics and doing music collages and we are glad that this three relatively young weirdos are still into making refreshing and interesting music. It's nice to feel something different in a Croatian punk scene which is mainly composed of straight forward punk and hardcore bands.
Artwork by Bodež.