Impressive debut of this new combo based in Barcelona but with more than usual faces both in Discos Enfermos and in many of the city's punk bands that have emerged in recent years. DOMINACION takes as its axis the D-beat punk sound in its rawest, most direct and wildest possible aspect, impossible for DISCLOSE/DISCHARGE or, as a more contemporary comparison, PHYSIQUE not to come to mind, as well as the entire horde of Japanese crasher crust bands. But they take the sound to a more extreme point, with drum rhythms that are almost impossible to follow, with impossible changes and without leaving a single space for anything, distorted and solid bass lines, noisepunk guitar riffs and a familiar, direct voice. , wild and spitting out everyday and political realities. 7 songs condemned to become classic rawpunk anthems in the not distant future.
Our take: Discos Enfermos brings us the debut by this band from Barcelona. They mention there are familiar faces in the band, and while I’m not sure what projects Dominación shares members with, it’s clear from the sound of this record that they know their way around a hardcore punk tune. Punks Ganan stays within the parameters of Japanese-style crasher crust—you could reference an older band like Gloom just as easily as a contemporary one like Physique—but Dominación finds plenty of room to make the sound their own. “Hora Final” is a straightforward rager with almost no bells or whistles, while the opening track “Inocentes” is a maze of dramatic stops, starts, and breaks that keep the listener on their toes. Dominación maintains that push and pull between straightforward rippage and more complexity across these seven tracks, with the last song, “Asesinados En Las Carceles Españolas,” climaxing with a show-stopping, inhumanly long scream. So sick.