New hardcore punk from the people who brought you Aus-Rotten, Blood Pressure, EEL, etc.
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Our take: Oh my god, I LOVE this tape. I love it so much that I’m not even sure of my of my ability to write about it objectively… is it that great or does it just appeal to my sensibilities? I could rattle off a long list of bands this reminds me of—Unseen Force, Direct Control, Final Conflict, Bad Posture, the Offenders, the Annihilated, Half Life—I could go on for days because I always flip out over this style of fast, catchy, and slightly metallic hardcore when it's done well. And everything about the execution here is beyond reproach. The recording has just the right amount of grit, the riffs are complex without being flashy, and the vocals have the perfect balance of catchiness and toughness. Like I said, I’m partial to bands that have this sound, but if you’re a fan of the groups I listed above, stop what you’re doing and check this out now.