MALADIA “Sacred Fires” 12”EP stands on an abyss made of the hiss and fog of a thousand generated cassette demos and the murky despair of damaged electronics and overloaded amplifiers. Equal doses of raw punk from the Southern Hemisphere and 80s European hc punk influences mingle with harrowing and desperate vocal cries, echoing RUDIMENTARY PENI and NERORGASMO as if both bands were hanging out in the back seat of a tour van listening to ANTISECT on a boombox. Recorded in a pre-fire Fuzzbrain studios in oppressive mid summer heat, this will tear your turntable up! (Jonah Falco)
Our take: Sacred Fires is the first vinyl release from this London band. There are several threads that run through La Vida Es Un Mus’s catalog, and Sacred Fires is of a piece with LVEUM alumni like Permission, No, Subdued, and maybe even Irreal and S.H.I.T. This is the dark shit, the nightmare music. The color is black, so what you look for are the textures and the shades. Maladia can be spooky, terrifying, eerie, sinister, and a bunch of other words that wouldn’t be out of place on a Facebook page promoting a goth night. But they’re also hardcore, meaning that they play with the heaviness and ferocity of bands like Rudimentary Peni and Crass. These five short tracks are a densely packed epic journey, long on detail but short on time to process it. I’m a sucker for these moves, and Maladia nails them.