Torso: Build and Break 7"

Torso: Build and Break 7"

Tags: · 10 · D-beat · hardcore · hcpmf · punk · recommended · sXe
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Torso is armed with a powerful punk and hardcore sound with influences as geographically diverse as its members. Lyrically, Torso does not rely on any of the hardcore cliches or spew overly simplistic lyrics that carry no real meaning. Instead, the band tackles issues of veganism, politics, mental health, displacement, and feminism at a time when the world needs it the most. 7" includes digital download.

Our take: I never would have thought a Sorry State Records band would release a record with Revelation Records, but with Torso‚ Build and Break EP that thing has come to pass. Sure, it‚ strange to see Revelation release a d-beat record, but it's also weird that Sorry State put out a straight edge record. Which is to say Torso is still Torso and Build and Break rips. Two of the songs are rippers, while the other two cruise along at a more moderate pace. The title track reminds me of Wasted Time‚ burly hardcore, while Repulsion is the pit-clearer and‚ Sick of Fighting‚ closes things out with a main riff that would have fit perfectly on Totalitär Vi Ar Eliten. Sick art, great recording, killer tracks‚ hardcore rules.