Crossover thrash from Portland. Members of Disembowel, G-Men, Pungence and Brain Squeeze.
Our take: Crossover-tinged hardcore from this new band from Portland. These three songs fall on the more hardcore side of the crossover equation, with metallic riffing that reminds me of Attitude Adjustment or DRI and a barking singer who sounds kind of NYHC. A lot of bands like this go for short, simple songs, but Betrayer’s songs are longer with a lot more parts a la mid-period Poison Idea, and while the singer’s range keeps things pretty straightforward, they also have an ear for a hook. The production is the perfect amount of lo-fi for me, very 80s sounding, but proficient in all the right ways. With another layer of polish, I could see Betrayer catching on with a bigger crowd, but personally I hope they stay on the raw and nasty path.