Incredible 56 page issue that collects 70's + 80's fanzine clippings and interviews spanning the early history of punk and hardcore in Virginia. There is a lot of Richmond coverage here, featuring early bands like Ricky and the White Boys, Beex, L'amour, White Cross, Gwar, Honor Role, and more. Tons of show flyers and reviews including legendary Ramones and Iggy Pop gigs that resulted in violence!
Cool Hiss also veers their focus towards unrepresented pockets of Virginia, like Blacksburg, Roanake, and Marion - including some recent chats with ex-band members and show goers. Also featured are brief highlights on Charlottesville (reprint of an old interview I did with John Beers of Landlords/Happy Flowers) and Norfolk (Front Line interview). Tons of flyers, venue reports, photos, it's all here and fucking awesome! You will absolutely learn something new from this mag. In the style of that infamously killer Cretins of Distortion Ohio issue. Cool Hiss has done the research and has executed the layout of this mag to near perfection. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! (Description from Feel It Records)