The second 12” from Monterrey / CDMX based duo CREMALLERAS, Mercado Negro, a split release with Cintas Pepe. One of my very favorite groups from consistently excellent contemporary Mexican punk scene, they’ll finally be touring the West Coast next month with copies of this in tow. Members of HETEROFOBIA, RATAS DEL VATICANO, and more playing raw yet tuneful punk.
Our take: Second LP from this two-piece hardcore punk band out of Mexico, and while I don’t believe I heard their first record, the Thrilling Living seal of approval piques my interest. Dropping the needle on this I find raw, wild, and expressionistic hardcore that finds a perfect spiritual home on a label run by someone who plays in Mozart and Neon. Cremalleras aren’t as art-y as either of those two bands, but they share a visceral explosiveness. This is music that comes from the gut and the heart rather than the brain. It doesn’t sound like Cremalleras spent much time fussing over the details, but what they do well is let loose, and like Wretched, Negazione, or Void, their music seems to reach inside your body, grab you by the intestines, and force you not only to listen but more importantly to feel what they’re playing. I’m sure some people will nitpick details like the recording quality (which is very lo-fi), but if you open yourself to hearing this record, it’s difficult to deny its power.