After turning some heads with their debut 7" entitled "SHUTTING DOWN" released on the high quality Feel It Records label back in 2017, HAIRCUT have finally unleashed their follow up with the "SENSATION" EP. Four tracks of pummeling hardcore punk that retain the velocity and ferocity of the band's previous output whilst adding a decisive dose of meat and potatoes to the sonic formula, all the while Juliana belts out lyrics in both Spanish and English at a feverish pace. As we collectively sit on the cusp of entering the 2020's within a matter of months, HAIRCUT is a wonderful reminder that when it's done with equal parts precision and passion there's just no room for the gimmicks, posturing or other eye roll inducing baggage that tends to afflict the genre of hardcore punk, be it regionally or internationally. Such purity can stand on its own two feet and present itself loud and proud which is something that all enthusiasts can take great delight in as this genre cascades into yet another decade of continuation. Each record comes in a glue pocket sleeve with art and layout done by Colombian punk artist Juan Sebastian Rosillo.
Our take: Latest EP from this Richmond, Virginia band who has moved to the hardcore big leagues and secured a spot on the great Beach Impediment Records. While Sensation is very much of a piece with their previous EP Shutting Down, there’s more 80s-style grit in the production and tighter, more powerful playing that can stand toe to toe with anything on their new label. Haircut’s not so secret weapon remains their vocalist Juliana, whose distinctive style gives these tracks a sense of liveliness that they might lack with a more typical hardcore barker.