Debut EP from this raging hardcore / d-beat band from New York.
Our take: Debut EP from this New York band and it is a beast. While I know Brain Solvent Propaganda primarily for releasing raw punk and d-beat, Headsplitters combine aspects of that sound with more straightforward, even metallic hardcore. The production is beefy and noisy a la Pollen or Vägra, but the riffs and songwriting (and the vocals to an extent) remind me more of a band like Direct Control. In other words, the mix is roughly 85% classic US hardcore and 15% thrash/metal… if you like older, not-quite-crossover like Attitude Adjustment’s early stuff (particularly their pre-LP recordings), COC, or Final Conflict this will be right up your alley. The production and performances here are explosive, using the everything-in-the-red crust sound of the Shitlickers EP. If you like wild and noisy hardcore you will not do much better than this in 2018… highly recommended.