Mercenárias started in 1982 and were the first female only brazilian punk band to record a LP in 1986 and then in 1987, but on their 1983 demo they had Edgard Scandurra (famous as a guitarist for Ira! and Smack) on drums. On this release there are obvious comparisons with Slits, Kleenex, Chin Chin, ESG or a female Minutemen but Mercenárias have a very corrosive vocal that makes everything more punk. This 8 Track EP has a recording surprisingly great for a Brazilian demo and better than many Brazilian punk LPs. Just three of the songs ended up on their two albums, 'Polícia' from the first LP 'Cade As Armas?' and Trashland and Ó (that later became Há Dez Anos Passados) on the second album 'Trashland'.