I cant praise this record enough. Mueco comes blazing back after their LP with a new line up and a more straight for the jugular attack. This EP is four tracks of distorted Disbones style punk.
Our take: New 4-song EP from this Montreal d-beat band. Controlled Information is as well-executed an homage to Disclose’s Disbones era is you’re likely to find. Mueco drench the recording in distortion and fuzz, bark out the vocals like a rabid dog, and dress up their classic, Discharge-inspired riffs with light touches of additional complexity and some fast, Broken Bones-esque palm muting. There’s a fine line between sounding generic and sounding timeless, and I think Mueco are on the right side of that line. I’m not sure this will convince any d-beat haters, but Controlled Information is top-notch stuff for people who follow the genre.