Issue 6 is 136 pages, B&W, 6" by 9", pro printed and perfect bound. It comes with a flexi of an unreleased recording from the group Bubblegum Army from 1987.
Here's the rub on what's inside:
Interview with Chris Burns, legendary Montreal Guitarist for groups Terminal Sunglasses, Bubblegum Army (featured on this issues appended Flexi Disc!), Johnny Suckup and the Brownie Points, Slap Happy 5, American Devices and more.
Interviews with Portland's post-plunkers Collate by returning contributor Erin O'Hare, psycho-jazzers Crazy Doberman by new contributor Richie Charles, destructo-rockers Sex Tide and bedroom-wizard Silicone Prairie by yours truly, ultra-legend Kid Congo Powers by returning contributor Ryan Leach and mountain-mavericks Leopardo by Feel It rex Exec Sam Richardson!
Also, a mix tape by The Pink Noise's Graeme Langdon, (who also ran montreal's esteemed Psychic Handshake records), Musings on some choice psych folk obscuros and a billion reviews!
Our take: While there aren’t as many music zines as there used to be, the ones who have chosen to stick it out in that space really mean it. Case in point, Celluloid Lunch. This thick, square-bound half-size zine has a slightly different focus than Sorry State (they don’t seem too into hardcore, like the more adventurous stuff on labels like Feel It, and have one foot in the outsider / experimental end of the underground rock/garage scene), but the authors have a rigorously thoughtful approach to the music they are passionate about. This issue features bands like Collate, Leopardo, Silicone Prairie, and Crazy Doberman, along with other musings about music and records (including a review section). I was familiar with roughly half of the artists covered, yet I still read this issue cover to cover with rapt attention. Celluloid Lunch gave me new knowledge and insight about existing favorites like Collate that allowed me to revisit them with a new, deeper appreciation, and gave me a frame of reference for checking out a bunch of stuff I didn’t know about at all. What more could you ask of a music zine? Celluloid Lunch is essential reading for the underground rock fanatic.
Here's the rub on what's inside:
Interview with Chris Burns, legendary Montreal Guitarist for groups Terminal Sunglasses, Bubblegum Army (featured on this issues appended Flexi Disc!), Johnny Suckup and the Brownie Points, Slap Happy 5, American Devices and more.
Interviews with Portland's post-plunkers Collate by returning contributor Erin O'Hare, psycho-jazzers Crazy Doberman by new contributor Richie Charles, destructo-rockers Sex Tide and bedroom-wizard Silicone Prairie by yours truly, ultra-legend Kid Congo Powers by returning contributor Ryan Leach and mountain-mavericks Leopardo by Feel It rex Exec Sam Richardson!
Also, a mix tape by The Pink Noise's Graeme Langdon, (who also ran montreal's esteemed Psychic Handshake records), Musings on some choice psych folk obscuros and a billion reviews!
Our take: While there aren’t as many music zines as there used to be, the ones who have chosen to stick it out in that space really mean it. Case in point, Celluloid Lunch. This thick, square-bound half-size zine has a slightly different focus than Sorry State (they don’t seem too into hardcore, like the more adventurous stuff on labels like Feel It, and have one foot in the outsider / experimental end of the underground rock/garage scene), but the authors have a rigorously thoughtful approach to the music they are passionate about. This issue features bands like Collate, Leopardo, Silicone Prairie, and Crazy Doberman, along with other musings about music and records (including a review section). I was familiar with roughly half of the artists covered, yet I still read this issue cover to cover with rapt attention. Celluloid Lunch gave me new knowledge and insight about existing favorites like Collate that allowed me to revisit them with a new, deeper appreciation, and gave me a frame of reference for checking out a bunch of stuff I didn’t know about at all. What more could you ask of a music zine? Celluloid Lunch is essential reading for the underground rock fanatic.