Three girls from the South of Brazil, that never touched an instrument entered the studio and made a few songs, than invited a friend that's a classical acoustic guitar player to join the band and the result is the punkest thing that ever came out of Porto Alegre. The music is punk rock, but you can hear post-punk, hardcore, and even a bit of UK DIY. It looks terrible but is completely great! This 11 songs are the first band recording, from Vortex Studios and was released as a split tape with THE COBAIAS in 1988.
Our take: Nine(!) song 7" from this short-lived Brazilian band. While these tracks were recorded in 1988, you could be forgiven for thinking they're from at least 10 years earlier as these have much more in common with the second-wave punk that was coming out of the UK and Europe in '77 and '78. The songs are simple, fast, and primitive, and while there are one or two spots where the drummer loses the beat, the liner notes' claim that they didn't know how to play seems a little suspect... sure, there's something of the shambolic nature of early Kleenex here, but I know from experience that you can't just hand a random group of people instruments and get anything near this killer out of them. If you like your punk primitive, catchy, and at times bordering on the edge of hardcore this reissue is well worth your attention.
Our take: Nine(!) song 7" from this short-lived Brazilian band. While these tracks were recorded in 1988, you could be forgiven for thinking they're from at least 10 years earlier as these have much more in common with the second-wave punk that was coming out of the UK and Europe in '77 and '78. The songs are simple, fast, and primitive, and while there are one or two spots where the drummer loses the beat, the liner notes' claim that they didn't know how to play seems a little suspect... sure, there's something of the shambolic nature of early Kleenex here, but I know from experience that you can't just hand a random group of people instruments and get anything near this killer out of them. If you like your punk primitive, catchy, and at times bordering on the edge of hardcore this reissue is well worth your attention.