10 songs of full-tilt, blast-driven, start and stop hardcore that serves as a tribute to the glory days of west coast legends like No Comment, Capitalist Casualties, and Crossed Out. No watered down “main stage” phoniness, just blunt force trauma to the skull.
Our take: Debut 7” from this DC project featuring some familiar faces from that prolific scene, notably Connor and Robin from Protester (and a ton of other bands). This EP’s layout nods to the Crossed Out 7”, and if you come to Brain Tourniquet expecting tight (but not triggered or mechanical) blast beats, short songs, and unexpected and dramatic tempo changes you won’t be disappointed. However, this is far from a tribute record. In particular, I hear the members’ deep knowledge of hardcore coming through in subtle but unique ways, like the Cro-Mags vibes on “No Solution” or the Dwid-esque vocals on “Fate.” I think I saw the word “grind” mentioned in a description of this record, but Brain Tourniquet is pure hardcore to me, though like Heresy or Ripcord Brain Tourniquet pushes the tempos to the limit. I also love the clear but organic recording courtesy of CC. I don’t follow contemporary power violence, but this is worth a listen even for a dabbler like me.