Tokyo’s KRIEGSHÖG return with a three new track EP of distorted Japanese hardcore. Catchy bass driven diabolic hardcore with a vocal style that brings to mind “Who the Helpless” era KURO and the LSD flexi as much as the relentless LA’s ICONOCLAST D-Beat attack creating a background soundtrack for the insanity that is Tokyo’s existance.
The 7” is housed in a DISCHARGE EP style sleeve with flaps on the outside and thumb cut and comes with a lyric insert. All designed by Bass player Shingo.
Our take: Earlier this fall this 3-song 7" from Kriegshog was released to some degree of surprise... I can't remember if their appearance at Static Shock Weekend in the UK had been announced or not, but I think most of us westerners were under the impression that they'd broken up and had no idea that there was new material in the works. In those first days when everyone was still reeling from shock, I remember Nick from Joint D≠ posted something to the effect of, "I wouldn't have guessed I wanted Kriegshog to sound more like Integrity, but I'm glad they do." Ever since I read that comment I haven't been able to get it out of my mind... the a-side of this single really does sound like prime-era Integrity, and I don't mean that as an insult in the slightest... I love that era of Integrity. Beyond that I don't really know what to say about this single... I mean, it's Kriegshog, and it rips. There are a million bands out there--whether they're d-beat or raw punk or crust or whatever--and they're all trying to make the heaviest, most intense music they possibly can. They might resort to tuning their guitars down, a million overdubs, the biggest amps they can afford, but no one out there can compete with the sheer power of Kriegshog. It's like that old gear-nerd maxim "tone is in the fingers..." something about this band is just heavier, bigger, and more enveloping than any of the other bands that, on the surface at least, sound similar. So, if you listen to one d-beat band it should probably be Kriegshog. They don't have many records, so get them all, this one included. If you like punk you won't regret the decision.