Order of Deceit were a short-lived metallic hardcore band from Syracuse, New York circa 1998. They existed for a brief period, and only recorded one 16 minute, two track demo, but achieved something truly unique during a time when extreme metal and hardcore punk were colliding in ways previously unthought of. Featuring a blistering technicality mirroring the works of early Florida greats like Atheist and Cynic and more contemporary (for the time) acts such as Human Remains and Discordance Axis, but with a vocal approach not too dissimilar to the larynx eviscerating style of Charles Maggio from Rorschach. These elements were cast into an epic, multi movement framework that bordered on the more mind expanding sludge of the era that truly opens up and pollinates the listener with a sense of dread, particularly on the 10+ minute opus Sewn Into Slivers. FFO: Acme, Atheist, Cynic, Human Remains, Neurosis, Rorschach, Pestilence, later Death,Early Dillinger Escape Plan / Converge.