Snooper: Music for Spies 7"

Snooper: Music for Spies 7"

Tags: · 20s · hcpmf · nashville · punk
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Our take: Music for Spies is the second 7” by Nashville’s Snooper (their first came out on Italy’s Goodbye Boozy Records), a duo whose drumming half you might already know as Spodee Boy. I know many bands resent being called Egg Punk, but I’d be surprised if that was the case with Snooper because their sound seems like it’s modeled so closely on the Coneheads; their robotic vocals, scratchy guitar riffs, and direct-in bass sound all remind me of the Coneheads, though the overall execution is looser and rougher around the edges. Also, while the Coneheads built many of their songs around big vocal hooks, Snooper’s vocals tend not to take center stage. Thus, while the songs are catchy and interesting, my favorite track is “Running,” whose repetitive groove has a krautrock feel. While I don’t know if this will win over any die-hard anti-egg people, if you like bands like Research Reactor Corp and Prison Affair, this scratches a similar itch. If you’re interested, don’t sleep, though, because this Australian import is limited to only 200 copies.