No compromise! Under this tell-tale mantra Tsjuder released their third full-length Desert Northern Hell in 2004. This furious tribute to traditional harsh black metal witnessed fans and critics alike applauding an unrelenting dedication to the roots of this genre. At a time when "progressive" or "avant-garde" became much used and abused epithets within the black betal context, Tsjuder harvested sheaves of raving reviews for their classic approach.
"Tsjuder manage to take the listener on a successful journey through time, when black metal was determined by feeling and attitude free from pseudo-commercial pitfalls and a dubious political aftertaste," judged Metal Hammer while Powerplay called Desert Northern Hell, "A true black metal tour de force."
Tsjuder recorded Desert Northern Hell in Norway during early-2004. With a better production and more variations in the song structures throughout the album, Tsjuder created an uncompromising milestone of true black metal, to be compared with the early works of Enslaved and Immortal.
"Tsjuder manage to take the listener on a successful journey through time, when black metal was determined by feeling and attitude free from pseudo-commercial pitfalls and a dubious political aftertaste," judged Metal Hammer while Powerplay called Desert Northern Hell, "A true black metal tour de force."
Tsjuder recorded Desert Northern Hell in Norway during early-2004. With a better production and more variations in the song structures throughout the album, Tsjuder created an uncompromising milestone of true black metal, to be compared with the early works of Enslaved and Immortal.