Hi and thanks for reading.
It’s been a minute since we’ve had a newsletter cos we were on tour, and I am sure I will be rusty when it comes to writing out my thoughts. I can’t really begin my staff pick until I talk briefly about tour. It was so, so fun. I am eternally grateful for the opportunity to tour Sweden and Finland, and also play K-town. I feel so lucky. We made some truly amazing new friends on this tour that I already miss. I was really looking forward to seeing some friends again that we made on our first European tour in 2022, and I also met some people for the first time that I have been chatting with online for a while. It felt really good to be welcomed by so many people overseas. And then there is VIDRO, our soulmates. I seriously cannot thank them enough for everything they’ve done for us, especially Lucas, who arranged the tour. It really sucks to part ways, cos we live so far from each other. We formed such a deep connection when we toured together last year, and this tour really strengthened this bond. We have loose plans to tour again together in 2024. Let’s see how many times we can tour together before it gets weird, haha.
There is so much shit to mention from tour, and I am sure I will mention stuff here and there over the next like year. But I won’t take up too much more space with that today. Before I get into my staff pick, I still have one more thing to mention. When we got back from tour, Jeff and I released a new record on BPDT! I had mentioned this release, alongside a SCARECROW tape, before we left for tour. Instead of raving about our release again, you can just listen to it here. For anyone that is really paying attention, I must correct a mistake I made when I previously mentioned this split. I had said that GEFYR was from Hudiksvall, the same city where TOTALITÄR and NO SECURITY were from. That is wrong! NO SECURITY was from Eskilstuna… I don’t know what I was thinking. For the SCARECROW tour tape I mentioned, we have the leftovers available for mailorder now, but unfortunately, they are only available direct through BPDT. If you need one, you can grab one here while they last.
In 2022 when we played Olso, we played at this place called Club 37. Of course, I really wanted to play Blitz, cos it is a historical site as far as I am concerned, haha. But Club 37 was a fucking blast, and we made some friends who we hung out pretty late with. Well, this time around we got to play Blitz! The show was pretty fun, and a few friends we made last time came out to the gig again. Bård was one of these guys. Last time we met I was excited to learn he operated the label Cradle To Grave Records. He only did three releases; two of which I am here to write about today. If I remember right, he was surprised I knew about his label when we first met. Naturally, I knew of them already cos he had reissued some essential Norwegian hardcore records! Before we met this time, we arranged to bring back some copies of the reissues he still had. We only got fifteen of each one, so if you don’t have either one yet, don’t sleep! I am pretty sure these things are not so easy to find now.
Since I already had the BARN AV REGNBUEN LP, I will start with this one. Because they never had an LP, I knew this reissue would be a compilation of their stuff. The unfortunate side to this reissue is that it doesn’t actually explain where the tracks are pulled from, haha. But on the contrary; I think it is nicely done overall, with great liner notes including a history of the band and English translations to all the songs. I originally got this LP before I landed an OG of their EP. Aside from wanting those songs bad, I was also trying to jam their flexi on a more permanent format. Their EP rules, but man the flexi is my shiiit. Like other Norwegian bands, BARN AV REGNBUEN has the ability to get melodic yet still pummel the shit out of you at the same time. They get much more weird than other Norwegian hardcore bands I know, and they might be the nosiest one I know as well. I didn’t look into this that much, but I think the LP has the flexi and various tracks from compilations on the A side. I’m guessing it’s tracks from compilations, or maybe it’s just unreleased recordings of songs they had? I will have to ask Bård about them, haha. The B side has their EP as well as their tracks from the Tsjernobilly Boogie LP. If you don’t know this LP, check it out. It’s such an amazing, underrated compilation. Even if you have all these BARN AV REGNBUEN records, I think this reissue is essential. The sound is great, and there is plenty of bonus shit you basically can’t hear anywhere else.
Moving onto the other reissue we grabbed, SISTE DAGERS HELVETE. I did not have this one already, cos I foolishly suspected it was simply a reissue of the LP. I actually still thought it was a reissue of the LP until I took a copy for myself and listened to it. When we were hanging out, Bård explained to me the sound was not what the band intended on the original release, and this reissue was done the way the band initially wanted. I have the original LP already, but I decided I would take a copy for myself when we got back for sure after he said that. I remembered when I got my copy, I thought the OG was super compressed and lacks low end, haha. I was happy to hear the sound on the reissue. It’s got the low end intact, and the full sound gives the songs much more attack. Anyway, I am not that familiar with SISTE DAGERS HELVETE, but luckily this one has a breakdown of where each track comes from. They also gave us a history of the band and proper English translations to their songs. I found the liner notes particularly interesting on this reissue. I learned the original vocalist was a Finnish guy who was living in Norway at the time. He recorded the LP with them and moved back to Finland. For some reason, this was super interesting to discover, alongside that they were inspired mostly by USHC bands. After reading that and listening to the LP again, it seems pretty obvious, haha. After he left the band, they recorded four more tracks with the guitarist taking on vocal duties. These songs are included on the reissue as well. One of these I have heard before, on the Nå Eller Aldri 7" compilation. The other three appear on some international sampler tape with like a million bands that is probably rare as fuck. It seems like most of the tracks are not exclusive to the tape, but as far as I can see this is the only place these three SISTE DAGERS HELVETE tracks appear. Their song on Nå Eller Aldri is cool, but man, the other three are REALLY fucking good. I have no idea, but I don’t think it sounds like their track from Nå Eller Aldri was recorded at the same time as these. I’m not sure what it is about it, but it just seems like there is such a perfect chemistry happening with just the three of them. The style is noticeably different from the LP, like they weren’t going for the USHC style anymore and just playing whatever came out.
I always found it interesting that this Norwegian band’s LP was originally released on Rock-O-Rama, especially cos I don’t know any other bands from Norway on their label. In the reissue, they explain how they had a record deal with Propaganda Records in Finland, but it was released by ROR instead without their knowledge. I know Propaganda would license certain records to ROR and they would both release them, but it’s interesting that Propaganda didn’t even release it. Thinking about it again, the VAURIO LP was licensed to ROR from Propaganda but there was never a Propaganda pressing. DESTRUCKTIONS as well, but the band had broken up before this LP was released, so maybe that’s why Propaganda didn’t bother releasing it? Who knows. There was also some sketchy shit with the release of HIC SYSTEEMI LP on a ROR sub-label as well, but I will save that for another time, haha. Anyway, learning about the connection to Propaganda through their Finnish vocalist explained that one a bit, but it sucks the band got fucked over in the end. They also explain ROR gave poor English translations for their song titles, and the album name was even changed. I’m sure the band was pissed as fuck to see their record being released without their knowledge, and on top of that ROR changed the title and fucked up the sound!
Before I go; I read in an interview with Frank, the guitarist of VORKRIEGSPHASE, and he explained how they dealt with something similar when releasing a record on ROR. They had permission to release their record, but the label did not use the master tape approved by the band. Frank explained they added a ton of overdrive, distorting his guitar way too much and it took away from the impact of the drums. It’s kind of ironic they didn’t want it that distorted, cos I think their fans of today really love them for the insane guitar tone. Alright, that sums it up for me this week. I think both of these reissues are killer and they are essential for every collection. I already knew what was up on the BARN AV REGNBUEN, and I am happy to have their discography in stock at Sorry State. But, I had no idea the SISTE DAGERS HELVETE discography would rock me so hard, and I am super glad I checked it out. It feels so cool that we played in Oslo and brought thee back with us to help distro in the US. Punk!!! Alright, cheers and thanks for reading, and thanks so much for everyone’s support.